
Monday, June 4, 2007


Those who ride the lighting says (10:17 PM):
so as i was saying
Those who ride the lighting says (10:17 PM):
my face looks old
Those who ride the lighting says (10:17 PM):
how can i make myself look younger
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:17 PM):
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:17 PM):
lol gimme ur dp
Those who ride the lighting says (10:17 PM):
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:17 PM):
i cant type as fast as i use to
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:18 PM):
for some reason my hand pain
Those who ride the lighting sends:


You have successfully received C:\Documents and Settings\Yahya\My Documents\My Received Files\sucide.jpg from Those who ride the lighting .

crap,my right hand is paining says (10:18 PM):
ur face looks old meh
Those who ride the lighting says (10:19 PM):
well i guess so
Those who ride the lighting says (10:19 PM):
its not like i take care of it
Those who ride the lighting says (10:19 PM):
and almost everyday
Those who ride the lighting says (10:19 PM):
i sleep very late
Those who ride the lighting says (10:19 PM):
now got eye bags
Those who ride the lighting says (10:19 PM):
and itachi's eye line T_T
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:19 PM):
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:19 PM):
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:20 PM):
not a big deal
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:20 PM):
well not for me since i dun sleep much
Those who ride the lighting says (10:20 PM):
o/_\o <--- like this ba
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:20 PM):
Those who ride the lighting says (10:20 PM):
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:20 PM):
guess u can go use age defence cream
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:20 PM):
dunno if got for guys though
Those who ride the lighting says (10:20 PM):
Those who ride the lighting says (10:20 PM):
maybe i shld use one of those olay thingy
Those who ride the lighting says (10:21 PM):
like last night i whole night didnt sleep
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:21 PM):
wtf u didnt slp
Those who ride the lighting says (10:22 PM):
then the nex t day my friend said i look like an old uncle !!
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:22 PM):
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:22 PM):
drink lots of water
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:22 PM):
of cos will look like old uncle la
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:22 PM):
if u didnt slp all nite
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:22 PM):
lol anyway
Those who ride the lighting says (10:22 PM):
maybe sacrificng an virgin to the ancient bawakuku God
Those who ride the lighting says (10:22 PM):
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:23 PM):
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:23 PM):
do not look at me
Those who ride the lighting says (10:23 PM):
Those who ride the lighting says (10:24 PM):
anyway what were u anywaying about ?
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:24 PM):
lol i forgot
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:24 PM):
c la
Those who ride the lighting says (10:25 PM):
you were going to praise what a l33t pro i am
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:25 PM):
Those who ride the lighting says (10:25 PM):
the real kartina would have had done that
Those who ride the lighting says (10:25 PM):
who are you -.=
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:26 PM):
Those who ride the lighting says (10:26 PM):
Those who ride the lighting says (10:26 PM):
guess what lol
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:27 PM):
ur bored
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:27 PM):
fuck youtube really take down all the anime vids
Those who ride the lighting says (10:27 PM):
how did u know
Those who ride the lighting says (10:27 PM):
huh really ah
Those who ride the lighting says (10:27 PM):

crap,my right hand is paining says (10:28 PM):
ya la
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:28 PM):
go search
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:28 PM):
u get nothing but amvs
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:29 PM):
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:29 PM):
i worship crunchyroll even more
Those who ride the lighting says (10:29 PM):
maybe crunchyroll will also take down
Those who ride the lighting says (10:29 PM):
but youtube not singapore base one wad
Those who ride the lighting says (10:29 PM):
why they taking down
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:30 PM):
sumthing to do with the copyrights
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:30 PM):
walau eh
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:30 PM):
i scare crunchyroll oso
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:30 PM):
then like sucks la
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:31 PM):
cos we cant even watch the anime that is not available in sg
Those who ride the lighting says (10:31 PM):
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:31 PM):
Those who ride the lighting says (10:31 PM):
all ur fault !!
Those who ride the lighting says (10:31 PM):
ever since u started working at odex
Those who ride the lighting says (10:31 PM):
anime has gone downhill !
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:35 PM):
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:35 PM):
what does that got to do with odex lol
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:36 PM):
i mean youtube is internationally linked man
Those who ride the lighting says (10:36 PM):
i dont know
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:36 PM):
so of cos
Those who ride the lighting says (10:36 PM):
but ever since u went to odex
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:36 PM):
they cant do anything about it
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:36 PM):

crap,my right hand is paining says (10:36 PM):
Those who ride the lighting says (10:36 PM):
i noticed the entire anime world seem to crashed
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:36 PM):
you found out my plans
Those who ride the lighting says (10:36 PM):
Those who ride the lighting says (10:37 PM):
im watching bleach on youtune now lol
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:38 PM):
Those who ride the lighting says (10:38 PM):
ep 45 lol
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:38 PM):
Those who ride the lighting says (10:38 PM):
i think i watched this part before liao
Those who ride the lighting says (10:38 PM):
last time i end when they go back to the real world from soul society
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:39 PM):
Those who ride the lighting says (10:39 PM):
then all fillers i lazy wait for new episodes then didnt watch finish
Those who ride the lighting says (10:39 PM):
then not long ago i dl
Those who ride the lighting says (10:39 PM):
bleach heat the soul 4
Those who ride the lighting says (10:39 PM):
for the psp
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:41 PM):
i played that already
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:41 PM):
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:41 PM):
so fun to unleash senbonzakura
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:41 PM):
ulquoirra so cute
Those who ride the lighting says (10:41 PM):
Those who ride the lighting says (10:41 PM):
senbo what ?
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:42 PM):
byakuya's bankai
Those who ride the lighting says (10:42 PM):
Those who ride the lighting says (10:42 PM):
i hate him
Those who ride the lighting says (10:42 PM):
he got 2 form
Those who ride the lighting says (10:42 PM):
bankai and normal
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:42 PM):
lol yea
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:42 PM):
orihime not bad
Those who ride the lighting says (10:42 PM):
his bankai he must use that move first
Those who ride the lighting says (10:42 PM):
then got use
Those who ride the lighting says (10:42 PM):
orhime sucks lol
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:42 PM):
the other one
Those who ride the lighting says (10:42 PM):
i like the arrow one
Those who ride the lighting says (10:42 PM):
archer dude
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:42 PM):
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:42 PM):
nvr played him b4
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:42 PM):
grimmjaw oso not bad
Those who ride the lighting says (10:42 PM):
especially after he unleash his mojo
Those who ride the lighting says (10:43 PM):
the best right
Those who ride the lighting says (10:43 PM):
is hollow ichigo
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:43 PM):
hvnt got him yet zzz
Those who ride the lighting says (10:43 PM):
Those who ride the lighting says (10:43 PM):
i got every character
Those who ride the lighting says (10:43 PM):
hallow ichigo right
Those who ride the lighting says (10:43 PM):
is not the ichigo with the mask
Those who ride the lighting says (10:44 PM):
i mean the ichigo white color one
Those who ride the lighting says (10:44 PM):
the one ichigo encounter when he went into his own subconcious
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:46 PM):
i only played it for like 2 hrs
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:46 PM):
until my lecturer chased the pssp out
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:46 PM):
and ask me to do my work lol
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:47 PM):
hvnt played it since
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:47 PM):
i shall get my own psp
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:47 PM):
then get the bleach from u w00ts
Those who ride the lighting says (10:47 PM):
next time show u teacher this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fbGkxcY7YFU
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:47 PM):
Those who ride the lighting says (10:48 PM):
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:52 PM):
lol hv u watched shrew 3?
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:52 PM):
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:52 PM):
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:52 PM):
i mean shrek
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:53 PM):
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:53 PM):
the vid u send me
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:53 PM):
he first few secs i freaked out
Those who ride the lighting says (10:53 PM):
Those who ride the lighting says (10:53 PM):
Those who ride the lighting says (10:53 PM):
ii waiting for u to ask me go
Those who ride the lighting says (10:53 PM):
and u freak out
Those who ride the lighting says (10:53 PM):
for what
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:54 PM):
Those who ride the lighting says (10:55 PM):
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:42 PM):
he first few secs i freaked ou
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:56 PM):
watching that vid
Those who ride the lighting says (10:56 PM):
Those who ride the lighting says (10:56 PM):
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:56 PM):
Those who ride the lighting says (10:57 PM):
Those who ride the lighting says (10:58 PM):
its the world's best usic video !!
Those who ride the lighting says (10:58 PM):
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:58 PM):
Those who ride the lighting says (10:58 PM):
Those who ride the lighting says (10:58 PM):
this one leh
crap,my right hand is paining says (10:59 PM):
Those who ride the lighting says (10:59 PM):
watch watch
crap,my right hand is paining says (11:00 PM):
Those who ride the lighting says (11:01 PM):
hahaha i rmemeber them
Those who ride the lighting says (11:01 PM):
we use to sing their songs all the time in ST john
Those who ride the lighting says (11:01 PM):
tarzen and hane
crap,my right hand is paining says (11:04 PM):
crap,my right hand is paining says (11:04 PM):
rmbr them
crap,my right hand is paining says (11:04 PM):
Those who ride the lighting says (11:04 PM):
YEA LOL !!!!
crap,my right hand is paining says (11:04 PM):
did u play the game
crap,my right hand is paining says (11:04 PM):
not bad le
crap,my right hand is paining says (11:04 PM):
comes with the cd
Those who ride the lighting says (11:05 PM):
what game ?
Those who ride the lighting says (11:05 PM):
no leh i didnt buy their album
crap,my right hand is paining says (11:05 PM):
crap,my right hand is paining says (11:05 PM):
i borrowed my friends one
crap,my right hand is paining says (11:05 PM):
they got game
Those who ride the lighting says (11:05 PM):
omg cheapskate
Those who ride the lighting says (11:05 PM):
what game
crap,my right hand is paining says (11:05 PM):
a simple one rly
crap,my right hand is paining says (11:05 PM):
just a game lol
crap,my right hand is paining says (11:05 PM):
those old school ones
Those who ride the lighting says (11:06 PM):
lets look for youtube's worse music videos
crap,my right hand is paining says (11:07 PM):
crap,my right hand is paining says (11:07 PM):
rmbr aqua
Those who ride the lighting says (11:07 PM):
Those who ride the lighting says (11:07 PM):
sounds familar
Those who ride the lighting says (11:07 PM):
refresh my memory
crap,my right hand is paining says (11:11 PM):
crap,my right hand is paining says (11:11 PM):
crap,my right hand is paining says (11:11 PM):
cartoon heroes
crap,my right hand is paining says (11:11 PM):
barbie girl
Those who ride the lighting says (11:11 PM):
Those who ride the lighting says (11:11 PM):
Those who ride the lighting says (11:11 PM):
Those who ride the lighting says (11:11 PM):
crap,my right hand is paining says (11:11 PM):
Those who ride the lighting says (11:13 PM):

Play/Stop Save As
Those who ride the lighting says (11:13 PM):

Play/Stop Save As
crap,my right hand is paining says (11:14 PM):
Those who ride the lighting says (11:14 PM):
accept !!

Those who ride the lighting is calling you.
Answer (Alt+C) Decline (Alt+D)

You have answered the call.
Hang up (Alt+Q).

crap,my right hand is paining says (11:15 PM):
crap,my right hand is paining says (11:16 PM):

Your call has ended.

Those who ride the lighting says (11:16 PM):
crap,my right hand is paining says (11:16 PM):
wtf was tt
Those who ride the lighting says (11:16 PM):
talking lor
crap,my right hand is paining says (11:17 PM):

Those who ride the lighting says (11:17 PM):
Those who ride the lighting says (11:17 PM):
y ?
crap,my right hand is paining says (11:18 PM):
crap,my right hand is paining says (11:18 PM):
trying to talk deep arent we
Those who ride the lighting says (11:19 PM):

Those who ride the lighting is calling you.
Answer (Alt+C) Decline (Alt+D)

Those who ride the lighting just sent you a Nudge!

You declined the call from Those who ride the lighting .

crap,my right hand is paining says (11:19 PM):
Those who ride the lighting says (11:19 PM):
crap,my right hand is paining says (11:19 PM):
maybe on the wkend
Those who ride the lighting says (11:19 PM):
crap,my right hand is paining says (11:20 PM):
im sorry
crap,my right hand is paining says (11:20 PM):
-pats ur head-
Those who ride the lighting says (11:20 PM):
thats arnold schwarexenngers voice dummy !
crap,my right hand is paining says (11:23 PM):
whats he doing in your house o.o
Those who ride the lighting says (11:23 PM):
personal fitness instructor
crap,my right hand is paining says (11:26 PM):
crap,my right hand is paining says (11:26 PM):
Those who ride the lighting says (11:26 PM):
crap,my right hand is paining says (11:26 PM):
crap,my right hand is paining says (11:26 PM):
crap,my right hand is paining says (11:26 PM):
Those who ride the lighting says (11:27 PM):
ughhh i feel so ravaged
Those who ride the lighting says (11:27 PM):
Those who ride the lighting says (11:27 PM):
guess what
crap,my right hand is paining says (11:27 PM):
i am looking up appendicitis
crap,my right hand is paining says (11:27 PM):
you're bored
Those who ride the lighting says (11:27 PM):
wtf ?
Those who ride the lighting says (11:27 PM):
is append
Those who ride the lighting says (11:27 PM):
crap,my right hand is paining says (11:27 PM):
Those who ride the lighting says (11:28 PM):
Those who ride the lighting says (11:28 PM):
u have that
crap,my right hand is paining says (11:29 PM):
crap,my right hand is paining says (11:29 PM):
but ive been feeling pain at my rite side lately
Those who ride the lighting says (11:29 PM):

Those who ride the lighting says (11:29 PM):
crap,my right hand is paining says (11:33 PM):
nah shud be ntg
Those who ride the lighting says (11:34 PM):
sounds like ur dead meat
crap,my right hand is paining says (11:35 PM):
Those who ride the lighting says (11:36 PM):
im boredddd
crap,my right hand is paining says (11:36 PM):
im sleepy
Those who ride the lighting says (11:37 PM):
me too i wanna nsleep early
Those who ride the lighting says (11:37 PM):
let me just put some moisturising cream on mah facez
crap,my right hand is paining says (11:39 PM):
Those who ride the lighting says (11:40 PM):
should i leave it overnight
Those who ride the lighting says (11:40 PM):
or wash it off later o_o
crap,my right hand is paining says (11:41 PM):
leave it on
crap,my right hand is paining says (11:41 PM):
read the directions on the bottle!
Those who ride the lighting says (11:41 PM):
no directions lol
crap,my right hand is paining says (11:42 PM):
crap,my right hand is paining says (11:42 PM):
wad brand is it
Those who ride the lighting says (11:42 PM):
olay lololol
Those who ride the lighting says (11:43 PM):
active hydrating cram lol
Those who ride the lighting says (11:43 PM):
crap,my right hand is paining says (11:48 PM):
crap,my right hand is paining says (11:48 PM):
should leave it on
crap,my right hand is paining says (11:48 PM):
all moisturisers are like that
Those who ride the lighting says (11:48 PM):
Those who ride the lighting says (11:48 PM):
crap,my right hand is paining says (11:50 PM):
crap,my right hand is paining says (11:50 PM):
Those who ride the lighting says (11:51 PM):
Those who ride the lighting says (11:51 PM):
i cant see
Those who ride the lighting says (11:51 PM):
my eyes
crap,my right hand is paining says (11:54 PM):
crap,my right hand is paining says (11:55 PM):
u r not suppose to put it in ur eyes
Those who ride the lighting says (11:55 PM):
but i tot apply to ksin
Those who ride the lighting says (11:55 PM):
eyeballs included
crap,my right hand is paining says (12:01 AM):
Those who ride the lighting says (12:01 AM):
Those who ride the lighting says (12:01 AM):
my face muscle felt a little cramped up
Those who ride the lighting says (12:01 AM):
but it feels fine now
Those who ride the lighting says (12:01 AM):
Those who ride the lighting says (12:01 AM):
now for cucumbers


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