
Sunday, June 17, 2007


few things to cover before we move along..

Saturday was my 19th birthday!Well,it was inconviniently placed in the midst of FYP, so I wasn't looking foward to it that much..but still I had a peachy time. Went out with CT on Sat and she bought chocolate cake! The most chocolatey cake I've ever tasted...thanks bestie!=D I ate the cake after we bought my ds lite and ate ramen =D

Ah yes.. I'm never eating beef tom yam ramen again.. the next day my stomach hurts like bad...enough said.Oh and japanese green tea sucks. =p We ate at ramen 10.We guys must try it one day =D

Next is my BABY PNK DS LITE!!!<3333I love it.I so don't regret buying it over psp..but hmm...might save up to buy one though..haha. We shall see.Anytway I bought mine at funzcentre,and the people there are really nice.The shop was pretty crowded, proves how popular it is,and the guy ask me to check for dead pixels and defects on the ds. Had to go through 3 ds to get the one I want =p good thing Im'm an avid qc-er.

So thanks everyone who wished me happy bday! Andrea Stan Yee Long Liesl CT Amalina Widiah Firdaus ZiShen and everyone who I might have forgotten..thanks everyone!Well back to work T_T

Your prematurely Retired Potato Spam Queen


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